Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:04:16 -0800
Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:04:16 -0800

Pure Felinity

Blue Oasis

General: Legend has it that the Blue Oasis breed was first discovered by ancient wanderers as they collected around the oases of the Western (Libyan) Desert.
Breed creator: player #15246 player #9559 player #9758 player #15594
Date added: 2006-08-09
Body type: semi-foreign (11)
Body size: medium (7)
Head shape: rounded wedge (11)
Ears: big, straight (13)
Nose: medium length (14)
Eyes: almond-shaped (16)
Eye colors: green, hazel, coffee
Coat: shorthair or longhair
Tail: normal
Legs: normal
Colors: Any blue silver (with or without golden) except spotted tabby. No mink/burmese/points or whitespotting/mittens.

Current number of Blue Oasis cats in game: [11]

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